06/07 collection | Our first collection that was featured in Flair magazine
(Now Fashion magazine)
2 LANE CLOSUR - new wool Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit
CUL-DA-SAC - merino wool | cotton | silk Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit
RING RD WARMER - merino wool | mercerized cotton Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit
1LANE WARMER - merino wool | mercerized cotton Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit
TIE WARMER - merino wool | mercerized cotton Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit
FREEWAY - merino wool | cotton | hand dyed silk Graphically striking + intentionally fluid designs are the underlying motivations behind every Urban Orchard knit